bought a new house, then? After purchasing the house you get to face many questions regarding options, kitchen or planning. Therefore, there is My Fuse: digital, interactive platform Construction Company Rove. Here you are fully informed about the planning, progress and construction of your home. And you get a personal construction file. With important documents such as offers and order confirmations. My Fuse:• Anytime, anywhere access to your files• Clear and timely information about the progress• Fast and transparent communication with all stakeholders• Overview of the deadlines, with reminders• No surprisesWe realize construction company in Wick how important a home for every person. Coordination with the future residents is essential. Therefore, professional buyer assistance with self-evident. Professional buyer counseling is obvious at Bouwbedrijf Rove. Together, you discuss all preparation- and implementation process. Also, your buyer companion running on my wick and ensures optimal alignment of information.